Charity List
You can choose from one of the aid organizations on this page and donate directly to them. The organizations below are either ones we have directly worked with or ones that have been verified and are legitimately working on the ground inside Syria.
Syrian Charities

US based charity that aims to promote innovative and technologically advanced ways of giving to maximize the effectivness of every donated dollar. Karam has operations on the ground inside Syria and it's activites range from vital food distribution to social and educational projects. Click Here.
Syria Relief was set up in September 2011, as a UK-based Charity. It is fully registered with the Charity Commission (UK Charity Registration Number 1143797). It was set up to co-ordinate a number of charitable activities that are taking place in the UK, to provide help and support to Syrian families in need, in Syria and outside it. Click Here.
A French acronym for Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organizations, UOSSM is one of the largest coordinators providers and organizers of medical clinics inside Syria. UOSSM is run by more than 14 organizations and hundreds of doctors inside and outside Syria. Click Here.
The Maram Foundation currently has the unenviable task for running Syria's largest refugee camp for internally displaced people. They current administer the Atmeh Refugee Camp in Idleb and care for more than 26,000 people. This includes all food, medical & hygiene. Click Here.
Orient For Humanitarian Relief runs a netowrk of more than a dozen hoispitals, clinics, trauma centers and pharamicies inside Syria providng more than half a million patients a year with free medical care and emergency services. Orient also provides free education to refugee children in two schools in Turkey and one in Bulgaria in addition to providing food aid and other necessities to families inside Syria. Click Here.
International Charities

Mercy Corps is helping 500,000 refugees in Jordan and Lebanon by providing families who left everything behind with essentials like clothing, blankets, mattresses and infant care supplies. They are also renovating buildings to provide safer shelter. Digging wells to distribute water throughout Jordan's Zaatari refugee camp. Click Here.

The UNHCR is working around the clock to keep hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees safe and warm, providing them with shelter, sleeping mats, blankets, food and access to school in Jordan and Lebanon. Goto their 'Syria Appeal' website to find out how you can help Click Here.
Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) is the only major international organization operating inside Syria. MSF currently has three field hospitals in Syria that have carried out more than 1,200 life saving operations under terrible conditions. We need more organizations like MSF inside Syria. Please support them and donate. Click Here.
The International Rescue Committee is marshaling a humanitarian response to help the thousands of people crossing Syria’s borders every day, as well as those trapped by the violence inside the country. We provide medical and other critical aid, help women and girl victims of violence, and ensure refugees have access to their legal rights. Click Here.
Medshare works to improve global healthcare + the environment through the redistribution of surplus medical supplies. Through their hard work and generous donors MedShare has been able to send 4 containers of medical supplies worth amost $1million to needy hospitals in Syria. Click Here.
Robohand operates under the motto of "Enable One, Enable Many". Since founder Richard Van As lost part of his hand in an accident he has devleoped a cost-effective and easy to make 3D printed hand to replace hands, arms and fingers. His designs are open-source and have been downloaded and used thousands of times across the world and has spawned a revolution of sorts in the prosthetics community. We are proud to work with Richard in bringin this technology to Turkey and Syria in order to provide the more than 20,000+ amputees a chance to regain function in their limbs again. Click Here.